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Reversed Gender Gap

Reversed Gender Gap. Conceptual. 2023.
Raising youth's awareness of the gender gap by letting them experience first-hand on a platform they care about.

Many young adults doesn't understand the impact of gender gap. Especially so for those who've yet to enter the workforce as they deem it as may seem far fetch and irrelevant.

People don't think much about gender pay disparity when it comes to practice. We tend to take what we're given with little push back—largely due to not being able to recognise the impact this have on them.


The average pay gap between a female and male across all regions

Source: United Nations, International Equal Pay Day


Young adults may not care much about the gender gap but they sure care a lot about gaming.

What if we are able to let them experience the gender gap on the one thing that they care the most about?

Creative Solution
Women run the league—reversing the gender gap League of Legend.

We partner with one of the biggest mobile games, League of Legends, and incorporated the concept of gender gap into it.

What more? We reversed it.

Unannounced on 3rd March (Int'l Women's Week), we reduced all income earned by male champions by 20%—the average global gender gap —while keeping female champions intact.

To proliferate the message further, we seeded various notable twitch gamers to experience it and share their thoughts with their viewers.


Yours Truly Senior Art Director


This is a conceptual piece of work. The brand featured is being used as a reference and in no way involved in the making of this. What you seen here does not represent, at any form, the featured brand's views or beliefs.